Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Strongman Cert

Ok so I am beyond pumped for this weekend. As this weekend I will be attending the Crossfit Strongman Cert, which is hosted at Hybrid Athletics the home of Rob Orlando. Here is some low down on the cert, but when I return I will give you my opinion on the cert.
CrossFit Strongman Trainer Course - Stamford, CT - November 17, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hybrid Athletics
7 Hyde Street
Stamford, Connecticut 06907
United States

Map and Directions
CrossFit Strongman Course

Reading Materials: Files will be emailed to you prior to the seminar. Print out the packet and bring it with you.  

Start/End: 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. with a 45-minute lunch

This one-day seminar is a performance-oriented workshop for all levels of athletes and coaches wishing to explore the world of strongman movements. Attendees will understand how to lift Atlas stones, carry a yoke and farmer’s handles, flip tires, and clean and press odd objects such as a log, keg, anvil, or stone. Attendees will spend the entire day practicing with each implement and will learn how to program these movements into CrossFit workouts.

This course is open to people of ALL abilities, genders and strength levels.
The CrossFit Strongman Trainer Course is designed to:
-Improve your ability to move large loads quickly.
-Improve your Grace time.
-Improve your posterior chain strength, pressing strength, grip strength and abdominal strength.
-Change workout stimulus to keep the body moving toward elite fitness.
-Expand your arsenal of tools in a fun, engaging environment.
-Prevent injury through the use of new movement patterns.

Seminar Goals:

-Expand one's ability to move awkward, real-life objects in a way that will improve fitness levels.
-Explore the benefits of strongman movements and how they can dramatically increase the output of any athlete/CrossFitter.
-Learn how to properly scale strongman movements for the masses.
-Develop an understanding of the most common faults in strongman - from programming to marketing to execution of the lifts.
-Develop the ability to generate huge amounts of force through violent hip extension.
-Develop proper midline stabilization while moving through space under heavy load.
-Understand and learn how to safely use a "rounded back" lifting position for moving odd objects.
-Learn and explore the benefits for getting away from barbells, dumbbells and other standard gym gear.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ #1: Are there any pre-requisites for the course?
No. Anyone can attend; however, to receive a Trainer Certificate for the CrossFit Strongman Trainer Course one must hold a valid and current CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Certificate. If you attend and do not hold a valid and current CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Certificate, you will be issued a Certificate of Attendance.

FAQ #2: What are the requirements for becoming a CrossFit StrongmanTrainer?

The requirements for this credential are stringent, primarily for your protection and the safety of those you train. They are:
1. Holding a valid and current CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Certificate
2. 100% course attendance
3. 100% participation

FAQ #3: When will I receive my certificate?
You will receive your certificate at the completion of the seminar

Rob Orlando has been an amateur strongman competitor since 2005. Over the last six years he has participated in more than 15 contests and set North American records in multiple lifts. He began CrossFitting in 2008, just a few months prior to the CrossFit Games regional qualifier in Albany, N.Y., where he took fifth place. He competed in the CrossFit Games in 2009 and 2010 and finished 22nd and 15th, respectively. Over the past three years, he has launched Hybrid Athletics, a CrossFit affiliate in Stamford, Conn., started, and created a line of strongman products including yokes, axles, atlas-stone molds, farmer's handles, and logs. His goal is to introduce the CrossFit community to strongman movements and implements through this seminar.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Wade's Army

I wanted to share this post from

Wade’s Army

   You never know how things are going to effect you or what course they will take. Just under two years ago, my wife came home to tell me she was pregnant…with twins. Since these were our first children, we did not know what to expect; but with the feeling of the unexpected comes a great sense of the unknown.

Who will these children be?

Will I be a good father?

And what can I do to give them every opportunity, while allowing them to learn and grow?

How do you protect them from bad, but make them strong enough to stand on their own?

   These are all questions every parent asks themselves, but you learn quickly you can only prepare and must deal with things as they present themselves.
   I even found myself one night looking at pictures on Facebook of my friend Tony’s daughter’s Princess Party in utter shock, realizing one day, I might have to host a princess party for my girls.
During one of those days leading up to the girls’ arrival, Kate starting showing me pictures and updates of her childhood friend’s little boy, Wade.

   Wade was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, a form of cancer that grows in the nerve tissue. The pictures and reports via Facebook of this little boy’s fight were heartbreaking. This bright-eyed little boy battled but ended up losing his fight. He passed away on November 12, 2011 at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

He was 2 years old.

   My wife and I were devastated when he passed. What made this especially hard was, he was a twin and left behind a sister. While we had never met the little boy, as a parent you can’t help but feel the pain. As a father you want to protect your children, all children, from harm and bad in the world. Not being able to help this little boy reminded us how fragile life is.

   After his passing, his family created a foundation to remember Wade and support the fight against Neuroblastoma.
   We are asking the CrossFit Football Nation to remember this little boy and help raise funds and awareness for Wades Wings. Leading up to the charity workout, we are asking all Power Athletes to make a donation to Wade’s Wings, which is the charity that was formed in Wade DeBruin’s memory. A donation of any $10 increment can be made below. Anyone who donates $30 or more before October 20th will receive a limited edition WADES ARMY shirt.

Shirts will ship the week of November 5th.

100% of all proceeds collected will go to the Wade’s Wings Charity.
Here the workout which we will complete on Monday, November 12, 2012.
Complete 5 rounds:
11 One DB Snatch 50
12 One DB Thruster 50
11 Pull Ups w/ the DB 50
*You can alternate hands as needed during the workout to complete total reps.
Post times to comments and let’s help Wade’s Wings reach their goal of wiping out Neuroblastoma.

About Wade’s Wings

   Wade’s Wings is the organizational vehicle that was created to raise money and awareness to help create treatment options for children with Neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a pediatric cancer that is extraordinarily deadly. After enduring the most intense chemotherapy regimen given to any human beings, these infants and toddlers – these children – end up relapsing more often than not.
Once this disease comes back there is no cure.
   The treatment options currently available to these children – once they do relapse – is often much too toxic for their bodies to handle after what they had to endure during upfront (induction) therapy. As a result they spend more time trying to simply recover from these therapies so they can receive even more treatment than they spend actually LIVING life.
   Wade’s wings aim to achieve their mission through raising money and funding relevant research and clinical trials with doctors and scientists who have the same beliefs, supporting Neuroblastoma research and support programs.

If you donate $30 or more you get a limited edition Wade’s Army shirt, leading up to October 20th.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Rob Orlando for President

New Edition to the Crossfit Wall in Honor of Election Day


Welcome back and thank you to subscribing my post. Alas the political drama is over again. Here in MA we elected a New Rep in Elizabeth Warren and we voted to keep Obama, who ended up winning. Just shows us for a state that claims to be independent we are very liberal, Democratic. Also it shows us how much of a Republic we are.

But that is not why I am here. Here I am typing due to Crossfit. I wanted to share with you a new online competition that I will be competeing in. The competition is called WodKnocker. The competition costs five dollars to enter in a weekly challenge and two dollars for the monthly challenge. The website to find out more is or email Founders. The rules are as follows:

1. Don’t edit your video, we have smart tech guys we will figure it out and you will be disqualified.
2. If you shouldn’t be in the scaled division, don’t be in it.  If you win it 3 times you will be required to do RX.
3. Be safe and have fun.

And the week four challenge is:

WEEK 4 WOD:   Sunday 8:00p – Friday 11:59p (eastern)
A.   5 min to Find 1 RM Snatch
(Points:  1 = 1st, 2 =2nd, etc….)
(Points:  1=1st, 2 = 2nd, etc…)
MEN (snatch below 115lbs)   Burpees to Plate
WOMEN (snatch below 75lbs)  Burpees to Plate
MEN (snatch 116-200)    Burpees with 6″ Touch
WOMEN (snatch 76 – 115lbs)   Burpees with 6″ Touch
MEN (snatch > 200lbs)   Burpees with 6″ Touch
WOMEN (snatch > 115lbs)  Burpees with 6″ Touch

Then the monthly challenge is:

Are you ready for the WODknocker monthly challenge for November? You’ve come to the right place! Knock this one out!
This is 1 continuous set. Once off the bar you are finished.

As for how I am doing it. Look at the 11-7-12 workout. The Wod is planned in. I will be doing this with the monthly challenge as well.

The Crossfit Board Post was: WodKnocker on Crossfit Board 

Partner's Attempt at Wodknocker #4

Calling New Englanders

I have run into a new competition that is coming to Vermont. The gym owner posts:

Vermont Comp

Hi All,

Come on up to Vermont for a great competition held at Champlain Valley Crossfit.

Decemeber 1st, Williston, VT

Event Description: Workouts will be geared towards the mid to high level CrossFitter. We are looking to test max strength and work capacity, there will be no high skill movements, and no required high weights. Workouts will be similar in terms of requirements to the CrossFit Open. There will be 3 workouts for all competitors and a 4th workout for the top 12 Men and Women. There will be only 1 Division, OPEN. Workout standards/requirements are below.

- Deadlifts 225/155

- Clean and or Shoulder to Overhead 135/95

- Any Barbell Movement 95/65

- Pull-ups Unassisted

- Any and all other standard CrossFit Movements i.e. Sit-ups, Push-ups, Box Jumps, Wall Ball, Double-unders, etc.

Sponsors/Prizes: While this event will be small and our current sponsors are minimal we are looking to attract some great athletes and put on a great event. We have a top notch facility and are looking to host a top notch event. Champlain Valley CrossFit will be putting up $500, $250, and $125 respectively for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, for both the Men’s and Women’s categories.

Event Details:

- This event will be capped at 100 competitors. We are looking to net 50 Men and Women.

- Registration will be open Friday evening, and Saturday at 7 AM.

- Workout briefings will commence at 8 AM Saturday Morning

- Workouts will commence at 9 AM Saturday Morning. - Plan on an all day event.

- Sign-up at

- You will need to create an account and can find the competition under “EVENTS” and “CVCF Winter Throwdown.”

- Cost is $70

The post was: Crossfit Board VT Comp

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Neal Maddox



First of all today I want to say get up and VOTE. Every one's vote does count, and you need to make sure your voice is heard.

OK in today's post I want to talk about one of Crossfit Journal's newest entries. The entry is called "Meet Neal Maddox". Neal Maddox is a three time games competitor, affiliate owner, and part of the seminar training staff. Neal Maddox was truly inspiring in the video. He shows us his life and what crossfit has done to him.

Yet the reason I am writing about the video is concept he brings up, KNOWING YOUR ENVIORMENT. What I mean by this is his goal is to send people to the games just like any affiliate, but the way he does it is different. He refuses to just send you into competition representing Crossfit X-Treme Athletics. You must first goal to a regional and watch. He said it is the base to who he will allow to go. He can tell from you being there if you are ready or not.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Iron Oar Challenge


In today's post I just wanted to write about the challenge I did this weekend. This weekend I competed in the Iron Oar Challenge. The challenge was a 30-min row. The challenge cost fifteen dollars with all proceeds going to for distance in support of the Operation R&R Charleston, 31 Heroes Project, and The Disposable Heroes Project. This weekend I rowed 8331 meters or 5.20 miles. It is probably a PR for me but I wanted to win badly. I do not know where I have placed yet but we will see.

Iron Oar Challenge: